Freedom of Speech event on Thursday, September 15th at 7.30pm Westleigh, 2 Groby Road Altrincham WA14 2BP
Please see the attached flyer
Freedom of Speech event on Thursday, September 15th at 7.30pm Westleigh, 2 Groby Road Altrincham WA14 2BP
Please see the attached flyer
About 18 members and friends of AIG gathered together on a wintery evening to enjoy a very warm welcome from the Vicar, Mother Clair Jaquiss, and members of the congregation of All saints Church, Hale Barns. We were greeted with hot drinks, biscuits and cake before going into the Church to hear Mother Clair talk about its history, practices and features of interest. It is the Parish Church of All Saints and Ringway and was opened in 1967, replacing a former black and white wooden church. Despite a rather austere exterior, it is light and modern inside, with rich purple furnishings, stained glass windows designed by a Japanese artist and representing the four seasons (which, alas, we could not appreciate fully in the dark) and a beautiful wooden ceiling set with numerous lights. The Church follows the Liberal Catholic tradition and is supported by the donations of people who come to the Church. Various practices and traditions were explained to us and we saw the rich red vestments worn by the vicar at this time of year. After her talk, there were many questions and we all enjoyed a most interesting and informative evening. Our thanks to Mother Clair and her congregants for their hospitality and for giving up their time to make us so welcome.
Carolyn Jones
(Hon. Sec., Altrincham Interfaith Group)
This year the lecture was shared vi Zoom, and about 36 of us were privileged to hear Imam Mohammad Ahmad Khurshid from the Ahmadiyya community talk about “World Crisis and Pathway to Peace: An Islamic Perspective.” Altrincham Interfaith Group Vice-Chair Elinor Chohan introduced the speaker who is Iman at the Darul Aman Mosque in Hulme, Manchester. The Imam explained that there is a dire need for peace in the world for, for though technology can bring us together in an instant, we have never been further apart. Thanks to social media, all the poverty and displacement in the world has been brought to light, while a report written in 2000 says 1% of the population own 40% of all the assets in the world; the 3 richest people own more financial assets than poorest 48 nations combined. This is a world crisis. How can faith, and in particular Islam, play a role in establishing peace in the world?
Imam Khurshid explained how a Muslim must fulfil the rights of mankind if he wishes to fulfil the rights of God, by showing compassion and never acquiring wealth through deception and pointed out how greed and envy can be a cause for restlessness and the destruction of world peace. He also deplored the rise of racism and pointed out that all mankind is from Adam and Eve, and no one person has superiority over another. He cited many examples from the Koran in which compassion was shown, and how important it was to show kindness to kindred, for being disrespectful to parents is the greatest sin. We should help the poor and needy, those failed by society, without seeking any reward, and treat mankind as a mother treats her child without claiming favours in return. This is the pathway to peace, to serve those around us.
There was a lively discussion after his address, with many questions including the issue of free speech, which the Imam said should never cause pain or offence to people, instead one should engage with and respect others and other religions, and that we need inter-religious dialogue. When someone asked why God allows pain and suffering in the world, yet is all-powerful, the Imam replied we should not blame God for the actions of man. We could serve people better, feed the hungry, vaccinate the poor in Africa. This prompted a suggestion that we could write to our MP to urge the Government to send more vaccines to Africa and Elinor Chohan agreed to follow this up.
Father John Rafferty thanked Imam Khurshid for an interesting and stimulating talk and pointed out that, while we might not agree with other religions, we should walk with each other, listen to each other and be respectful. This is what Altrincham Interfaith Group strives to do. Elinor agreed and hoped that that we may engage with each other to make our community better, for we all have a common shared humanity.
“The Fog of Srebrenica” film screening event – Altrincham Interfaith Group 6th July 2021
This award-winning film was screened via zoom to members of Altrincham Interfaith Group to coincide with the 26th Anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and told the story of survivors of the only holocaust in Europe since World War Two. 8,372 mainly Muslim Bosnian men and boys were killed in one week by Serbian soldiers. The film contained personal narratives of survivors, contrasted by hauntingly beautiful landscapes and horrifying archive.
It was certainly a harrowing experience to watch, not only to hear the impact on survivors of having all their family killed but to actually see footage of men with bound hands being told to disembark from lorries at rifle-point, instructed to say their prayers and then lie face down on the ground to be shot. That is an image that I will never forget. It was dreadful to see Serbs turning on their neighbours having previously lived together peacefully, the despair of mothers who could not protect their children. Srebrenica became like a concentration camp with no food or medicine, people starving and dying in the street, while the Serbs were bombing and confiscating food before it reached them. Now, the Serbs are teaching that it never happened, trying to sweep it under the carpet, while people are still campaigning for justice.
After the film, there was a wide-ranging discussion with the Director, Samir Mehanovic.
There is a stark message here. Hatred and intolerance can flare up anywhere and flourish if left unchallenged, and we must take action against hate wherever we see it. We must speak out against prejudice to avoid such an appalling situation happening again and we must never be complacent. We must build strong communities, for no ethnic group can isolate itself and live on its own – we must learn to live together, something we at Altrincham Interfaith Group try hard to achieve.
You can watch the film at
Carolyn Jones (Hon. Sec., Altrincham Interfaith Group)
On the evening of March 2nd, twenty-five people joined together via zoom for turned out to be a most uplifting and stimulating event to mark International Women’s Day and also to remember victims of the Holocaust.
Elinor Chohan welcomed us and said how we must challenge prejudice to bring about change. She described the courage of the women of Sebrenica who refused to hate, and cited Emily Pankhurst as a champion of suffrage as being a person she admired. Mostly she focused on her Mother-in-Law – a remarkable women, being full of compassion and who had the gift of unconditional love. Elinor said how she taught that we should love everyone around us, no matter what their colour or culture. If everyone did that, there would be no need for Holocaust Memorial Day.
Then Angela O’Callaghan and Shakira Alam from Big Ideas explained the Foundation Stones project whereby people painted stones to dedicate to the Holocaust and other genocides. This was the aim tonight, to paint a stone and send it to the new Holocaust Memorial Centre where it would become a part of that Centre.
Three young women of different faiths then talked about women who had inspired them. First was Alexia Bastien from the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, who talked about Raina Aboto who was the leader of a women’s organisation and had had many trials. She taught how hard times don’t define us, they refine us, and that things won’t be difficult for ever and was a source of inspiration to many.
Rumaysa Quraishi from the Altrincham and Hale Muslim Association chose Kadijah, wife of prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), as someone who inspired her; she was strong, brave and powerful, and a wonderful wife, mother and business woman supporting Mohammed and being the first to believe him.
Finally, Shoshana Elituv, from the Shaare Hayim Sephardic synagogue spoke about her great-great Grandmother who escaped Germany to settle in Israel, taking with her some beautiful silver candlesticks so the light of the Sabbath candles should continue wherever she went. Shoshana had inherited these and showed them to us, saying we can all be the light to drive out darkness.
People were then invited to paint their stones and to share them afterwards. There were various themes including a butterfly to remember the 1.5 million children who died in the holocaust, and a stone with patches of red to represent blood and the names of all the genocides, on the reverse having a red heart to represent love. Others bore the words “Shalom,” “We will remember them,” “Give love, never forget,” and “United” with symbols of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and more. It was a very rewarding experience.
Ruth Neal, Chairman of AIG then thanked all the speakers for their stimulating stories of women who had made a difference to their situations.
Carolyn Jones
(Hon. Sec., Altrincham Interfaith Group)