Altrincham Interfaith Group visit to Manchester Jewish Museum Sept 15 th 2024

About 20 members of Altrincham Interfaith Group went on this visit to the Jewish
Museum on Cheetham Hill Road (see photos). The museum has recently been
refurbished and an extension housing a café, meeting rooms and an exhibition area
built on what had previously been a garden. It was very modern and displays
included various artefacts brought over by the Jews fleeing oppression such as
household items, and objects from their professions – a dressmaker bought her
special box of pins that would strap to her wrist, a baker bought cooking implements
etc. There were recordings of their experiences and some film showing photographs
of the old shops and businesses in the area. A guide was there to answer questions
and after being shown the synagogue we were left to browse the various displays. It
was a very interesting afternoon which everyone enjoyed.

Carolyn Jones
Hon. Sec., Altrincham Interfaith Group)

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